Tena koutou
Welcome to Raphael House Kindergarten
We are a fully qualified Early Childhood Education Centre providing meaningful learning experiences for children aged 4 to 6 years.
About us

The Kindergarten is licensed for up to 50 children.
Our three classroom spaces - Pōhutukawa, Rimu and Kōwhai - are led by experienced teachers.
Our operating hours are 8:45am-2:45pm, from late January until mid December.
Tamariki attending the Kindergarten benefit from a seamless transition to Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School.
2025 Dates and events
24 January - Kindergarten Open Day for new entrants from 10am to 12pm
27 January - First day
6 February - Waitangi Day - CLOSED
9 April - Easter Festival
18 April - Good Friday - CLOSED
21 April - Easter Monday - CLOSED
25 April - ANZAC Day - CLOSED
26 April - Working Bee
2 June - King's Birthday - CLOSED
27 June - Matariki Festival
27 June - Matariki - CLOSED
12 July - Working Bee
19 September - Spring Festival
4 October - Working bee
27 October - Labour Day - CLOSED
11 December - Summer Festival, Last Day